Wednesday, November 14, 2012

So, it has been awhile since I last posted. Life, kids, work, and a bunch of other things kept me away... but no more! My goal is to post information about health related topics, as well as some of the crazy things my family does to stay healthy and well, naturally. Stay tuned for my next post. I'll be discussing how to holistically help with the seasonal "funk" that comes when our bodies work to express health. Good stuff!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Age of Autism: 'Amish bill' introduced

Published: July 28, 2006 at 2:20 PM

"A specter is haunting the medical and journalism establishments of the United States: Where are the unvaccinated people with autism?" ---Dan Olmsted

By: Dan Olmsted
UPI Senior Editor

WASHINGTON, July 28 (UPI) --
For the second time this week, legislation aimed at determining whether vaccines are linked to an epidemic of unrecognized side effects has been introduced in Congress -- this time as a direct result of reporting by Age of Autism.

The new legislation, titled the Comprehensive Comparative Study of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Populations Act of 2006, would order the National Institutes of Health to study "health outcomes, including autism," in those two groups.

In essence, the bill proposes the simplest way to exonerate vaccines as a cause of autism: If the autism rate is about the same in never-vaccinated children, vaccines are unlikely to play any role.

Yet such a straightforward and potentially decisive study has never been done on American children. In the past, public-health officials have said such an approach would be impractical due to low numbers of never-vaccinated children, but this column found tens of thousands of such children -- beginning with the Amish -- in various locations in the United States.

In our anecdotal and unscientific reporting, the rate of autism seemed strikingly lower in never-vaccinated children, although those findings cannot be considered conclusive or convincing. For that, a scientific study would be needed, as proposed in the new legislation.

The bill is being co-sponsored by Reps. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and Tom Osborne, R-Neb. It seeks to determine whether there is any correlation between the increasing number of immunizations in recent years and the rise in "chronic, unexplained diseases such as autism, learning disabilities, and other neurological disorders" over the same time period.

"Childhood immunizations greatly reduce human suffering from infectious disease, and I think it would be in the best interest of everyone if we definitively resolve parents' questions about vaccines," Maloney said in a statement.

Maloney cited particular concern about the mercury-based vaccine preservative thimerosal, to which children were increasingly exposed beginning in the late 1980s. It was phased out starting in 1999 at the recommendation of public-health officials and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Subsequent studies have found no association between thimerosal and autism, but critics say those studies have been inadequate and beset by conflicts of interest. Nor have they compared vaccinated vs. unvaccinated populations, in part because officials say such groups are hard to find in a society where childhood immunizations are routine -- and mostly mandatory for school attendance.

"In this country we have very high levels of vaccination," CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding told Age of Autism at a news conference last year. While "such studies could be done and should be done," she suggested, the obstacles might be overwhelming.

But this column identified several groups that might fit the bill -- from the Amish in Pennsylvania Dutch country to homeschooled children to patients of a Chicago family practice.

"I have not seen autism with the Amish," said Dr. Frank Noonan, a family practitioner in Lancaster County, Pa., who has treated thousands of Amish for a quarter-century.

"You'll find all the other stuff, but we don't find the autism. We're right in the heart of Amish country and seeing none, and that's just the way it is."

In Chicago, Homefirst Medical Services treats thousands of never-vaccinated children whose parents received exemptions through Illinois' relatively permissive immunization policy. Homefirst's medical director, Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, told us he is not aware of any cases of autism in never-vaccinated children; the national rate is 1 in 175, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"We have a fairly large practice," Eisenstein told us. "We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines.

"We do have enough of a sample," Eisenstein said. "The numbers are too large to not see it. We would absolutely know. We're all family doctors. If I have a child with autism come in, there's no communication. It's frightening. You can't touch them. It's not something that anyone would miss."

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, a Florida family practitioner with ties to families who homeschool their children for religious reasons, told Age of Autism he has proposed such a study in that group.

"I said I know I can tap into this community and find you large numbers of unvaccinated homeschooled," said Bradstreet, "and we can do simple prevalence and incidence studies in them, and my gut reaction is that you're going to see no autism in this group."

Osborne and Maloney said such examples undercut claims "there was not a big enough population to which we could compare the general vaccinated population. ... The Maloney-Osborne legislation proposes comparing vaccinated populations with unvaccinated populations such as these."

Clearly, there are children with autism who have never been vaccinated. Moreover, even a much-lower rate of autism in never-vaccinated groups would not directly implicate vaccines as a cause -- other factors could be at work. For instance, the Amish might have a genetic resistance to the disorder; children receiving alternative schooling or healthcare might have less exposure to other conceivable medical, environmental or lifestyle triggers.

But just as clearly, such a study could be done, and the Maloney-Osborne bill proposes to do it.

Maloney was co-sponsor of another bill introduced Wednesday with Rep. David Weldon, R-Fla. That bill would give responsibility for the nation's vaccine safety to an independent agency outside the CDC. Weldon was harshly critical of the government's monitoring of vaccines.

The National Autism Association called the two bills "good news from Washington. NAA applauds Congresswoman Maloney in her continuing efforts to support families affected by autism with this new legislation and co-sponsorship of Congressman Weldon's Vaccine Safety bill."

The group urged its members to ask their local representatives to support the legislation when they are back in their districts during the August congressional recess.

Monday, August 31, 2009

St. Petersburg Times - Drug Makers Willing to Pay to get Doctor's Approval

By Kris Hundley In Print: Sunday, August 30, 2009

There are lots of reasons why your doctor might switch your prescription to a Lilly drug. One of them might be found in a new online database that lists how much Eli Lilly & Co. paid physicians for their expertise during the first quarter of 2009. For the first time, Floridians can see if their doctors juggled patient appointments with speaking gigs for the maker of popular drugs like Cymbalta, Zyprexa and Cialis.

Drug companies spend billions on marketing to doctors because it works: Targeted doctors prescribe more of the company's products.
Lilly was forced to disclose its physician pay data, which it calls a "faculty registry," as part of a $1.4-billion settlement with the federal government earlier this year. Lilly spread $22-million among 3,400 health care providers nationwide during the first three months of the year. In the Tampa Bay area alone, the company spent more than $350,000 on about four dozen doctors. And that's just one drug maker's expenditures. Though others have promised to follow suit and disclose their physician compensation numbers, none have yet done so.

Pay to sway
According to, a group that tracks drug industry marketing, pharmaceutical companies will spend as much as $100,000 a year on a physician considered to be particularly influential. Most favored are specialists like psychiatrists, cardiologists and internists, who are apt to prescribe a brand-name drug that the family physician will simply renew, rather than switch to a cheaper generic. The drug maker's payoff for each dollar paid to physicians: More than $12 in additional prescription sales, according to Pharm Exec, an industry publication.

Lilly's top earner in the Tampa Bay area was Dr. Maria-Carmen Wilson, a neurologist who is director of Tampa General Hospital's Headache & Pain Center, and a professor at USF College of Medicine. She also is director of USF's headache medicine fellowship program, co-director of the division of pain medicine and associate director of both the neurology residency program and pain medicine fellowship program. Her annual salary from USF is $195,410.95.
Despite her busy schedule at the university, Wilson found time to moonlight for Lilly, which paid her $54,400 in the first quarter. That put Wilson, 53, among the company's most highly compensated doctors nationwide. In Florida, Wilson ranked second only to Miami internist Dr. Manuel Suarez-Barcelo, who received $65,100 from Lilly.

The most frequent assignment for Lilly's paid physician-representatives: Talk to fellow doctors about the drug maker's products over dinners and "lunch-and-learns." Despite the informal, conversational nature of these peer-to-peer sessions, the physician-speakers are supposed to strictly adhere to a company-approved script. "The speaker's presentation is carefully regulated and provided by Lilly alone," the company says in its online registry.

Nationwide, Lilly paid doctors for an average of six speaking engagements during the first quarter, at an average of $1,000 per activity. The company says compensation varied based on the expertise of the speaker. In the Tampa Bay area, the lowest payment was $600, which went to a Clearwater nurse for a couple of patient education sessions. Reimbursement for chatting over a meal with fellow doctors varied widely. Dr. Mark Cavitt, a psychiatrist on staff at All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, received $4,800 for a single speaking engagement; Dr. Amado Suarez, a psychiatrist in private practice in Brandon, gave three talks for the same amount. Neither psychiatrist returned calls seeking comment.

A salary boost
Wilson, the Tampa neurologist, made her extra money speaking to colleagues 27 times during the quarter, or more than twice a week, at about $2,000 an appearance. She told Health News Florida, an online news service, that the topic of her talks was Lilly's Cymbalta, an anti­depressant approved for fibromyalgia and peripheral neuropathy in diabetics. Wilson did not return calls requesting comment. Although Wilson is required by USF to get prior approval for all outside activities, she did not report her Lilly work until earlier this month. Wilson reported that she sometimes gave three talks — at breakfast, lunch and dinner — each day over a two-day meeting. All engagements were during evening hours or while on annual leave, she said.

Wilson told Health News Florida she reached Lilly's annual cap on payments of $75,000 a year in May, boosting her university salary by about 38 percent.
It's not the first time Wilson has neglected to keep USF informed of her extracurricular work. A story in the St. Petersburg Times in April noted that Wilson failed to tell the university of free trips she took to Scotland in 2002 and Spain in 2004 on behalf of drug maker AstraZeneca. Wilson told HealthNews Florida that her activities with drug companies promote USF. However, she said she would forego the outside work if the university asked. "But then the university doesn't get known and we don't get invited to do clinical trials," Wilson said. "We would also lose good faculty," who supplement their pay with drug company work.

Dr. John Curran, associate vice president for academic and faculty affairs at USF College of Medicine, said he approved Wilson's Lilly activities retroactively last week. "She is meeting her other duties and assignments including patient care and teaching," he said. But Curran, a USF physician and faculty member for more than 30 years, questions whether the benefits of such speaking engagements outweigh potential for a conflict of interest. "The benefits to USF are very limited, other than marketing the physician as an expert, which can build referrals," he said. "But I have some concern that the amount of activity and compensation can indeed influence the physician's judgment, despite the physician not believing that's the case. The public has serious concerns as to whether this is influencing the physician's use of high-priced drugs, particularly in neurology and cardiology."

The only other paid USF faculty member among Lilly's most highly compensated speakers was Dr. Brian Keefe. Keefe is an assistant professor and residency training director in the Department of Psychiatry and medical director of USF Psychiatric Services at Tampa General. He received $15,300 from Lilly in the first quarter; his annual salary from USF is $189,282.98.
(Keefe, like Wilson, are state employees, so their salaries are public information.) Keefe told USF officials he was unaware the Lilly work had to be reported to USF since it was done on vacation time, but said he would comply with the requirement.

USF's Curran said, "It's a slow process to change a culture, to go from hiding things to making them transparent. But it creates peer pressure when it's readily accessible information." Other universities are starting to take a harder line on faculty's participation in speakers' bureaus. Doctors affiliated with Stanford and Harvard are prohibited from being paid speakers for drug companies. At Duke University's medical school, the practice is discouraged and limited to four days a month.

The side effects
Lilly touted its new online database as "one more step toward increasing transparency." It announced its intentions to voluntarily disclose the information in September. The federal settlement five months later, over the off-label marketing of Lilly's popular antipsychotic Zyprexa, made the move mandatory. Several states, including Minnesota and Vermont, require drug companies to disclose physician gifts valued at as little as $25. Sen. Charles Grassley, meanwhile, has proposed a federal law which would make drug makers' payments to doctors public to patients. Lilly said its speakers "serve as a credible voice in bringing information to their peers." But Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman of Georgetown University said the impact is often biggest on the speaker, who ends up prescribing more of the sponsor's drugs than any of the attendees. "In these cases where you have a small group of physicians in a nice restaurant, it's just an excuse for the drug company to give the doctor $1,000," said Fugh-Berman. She heads the project ,which advocates unbiased drug education for physicians. "We had one drug company insider tell us they go after doctors who are a little insecure because they'd be really grateful for the friendship and the opportunity to become a speaker."
Wilson, a native of Spain who has written a book in Spanish on headaches, said in April that her prescribing habits were not influenced by drug makers' marketing efforts. "My prescribing never changes because once a month a drug rep brings in a tray of sandwiches," she said, referring to a tactic drug sales reps use to snag precious time with physicians. "Whether a drug is appropriate or not for a patient is for me to say."

Times researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report. Kris Hundley can be reached at or (727)892-2996.

Fast facts
The money trail
The following Tampa Bay area physicians were paid more than $15,000 by Eli Lilly & Co. in the first quarter of 2009. None of the doctors returned phone calls or e-mails seeking comment.
$54,400 Dr. Maria Carmen Wilson, Tampa (Neurologist)
$31,000 Dr. Robert Levin, Dunedin (Internal Medicine)
$30,775 Dr. Hardeep Singh, Tampa (Psychiatrist)
$30,300 Dr. Eric Kaplan, Lutz (Psychiatrist)
$22,637.50 Dr. Lucila Ramiro, Tampa (Internal Medicine)
$20,400 Dr. Kenneth Pages, Tampa (Psychiatrist)
$15,300 Dr. Brian Keefe, Tampa (Psychiatrist)

Doctors paid by Eli Lilly can be found here:

Friday, July 31, 2009

Research Lends Hope to Infertile Women - Succesful Pregnancy After Chiropractic Care

Response to Gonstead Chiropractic Care in a 27 year old Athletic Female with a 5 year history of Infertility


Objective: This article describes the chiropractic care of a 27 year old athletic female with a 5 year history of infertility.Clinical Features: Following a marathon, the subject experienced an unresolved injury and sought out chiropractic care. The initial chiropractic evaluation revealed a history of numerous alterations in physiological function, including low back pain, constipation, neck pain, headaches, loss of balance, tension, as well as 5 years of infertility which medical treatments had been unsuccessful for.

Chiropractic Care and Outcome: Evidence of vertebral subluxation, including dysautonomia and dysponesis, were detected at multiple levels, and chiropractic care was applied using the Gonstead System. The details of 1 month of care are described.

Conclusion: One month after the application of chiropractic care, marked reduction in dysautonomia and dysponesis is demonstrated, and while previously infertile for 5 years this woman conceived and sustained a successful pregnancy. Further research is suggested examining the application of chiropractic care and associated restoration of function, including reproductive function.

Daniel D. Lyons, D.C.,
Private Practice
602 Pleasant Oak Drive, Suite D
Oregon, WI 53575

Matthew McCoy, D.C., MPH
Editor in Chief Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research
4390 Bells Ferry Road
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144
Phone: 404.247.2550
Fax: 678.445.1459